Tuesday, 30 June 2009


Well, I guess it'd be best just to start off with a simple 'welcome'. I don't think there's much point in explaining what kind of entries will be posted here, as it's covered pretty well in the 'About Us' section, but I guess it's worth mentioning a little bit about my interests. I'm not as big a gamer as I used to be, but I do still have a significant amount of interest in video games. I personally own an Xbox 360 and a Wii (don't ask), but I play games on my laptop as well and do have access to a PS3 (via my very generous mate). It's easy for people to say they don't have any bias towards a particular console, but I'd like to think I'm fairly open when it comes to games - I'm a fan of games in general really, whatever console they're on.

But my interests go beyond just games. I'm a big fan of films, from the chick flicks to the action blockbusters. I personally love movies which intend to provoke some kind of emotional response, or attempt to promote a positive moral message. FYI: my favourite film(s) of all time is undoubtedly The Lord of the Rings, and I don't think that will ever be topped. This is just a snippet of the kinds of things I'm interested in - not that I'm into dirty stuff or anything like that - so check out my profile if you really want to know more about me.

Anyway, here's what you should be expecting in the coming days/weeks. My first ever 'proper' post will be impressions of the demo for the upcoming downloadable game Trine, which was released a few days ago. I'll be posting quite a few video game-related entries, as there are many topics within the gaming world which I'd like to share my view on. Other than that, I can't really say that I have a set list of certain topics I wish to discuss; I just write what pops into my head, unless it's entirely inappropriate.

Finally, I'd like to mention that my current 'partner in crime' is Canterbury; he's a good friend of mine on many various forums, and I'm personally very glad that he's accepted the offer to write some articles on here. Expect some great blog entries on a variety of different topics from him in the coming weeks.

So, that's that really. I've been waiting to start a blog for a very long time, but hadn't previously had the time or the willpower to do so. I'm hoping the dedication will pay off and that there'll be some interesting discussion taking place in the coming weeks.

Over an' out. <3

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